Ladies and gentlemen it's now official, there's an hot and wild Rockabilly band in Belgium!
The singer is none other than Mr David Green (original Be-bop's singer between 1982 and 2009 already several cd and vinyl in his drawers..)
Doublebass player is Mr Tristan Meurice
At Lead guitar: Mr Tony La Monica, a pure talent to discover... (young and wild!!!)
At The Drums Myself, Roland Vandy (The Be-Bop's and Charlieroy & His Black Mountain Boys)
Présentation The Wild Bombers
Le chanteur n'est autre que Mr David Green (chanteur original des Be-bop's de 1982 a 2009 déjà plusieurs cd et vinyls dans ses tiroirs...)
A la contrebasse : Mr Tristan Meurice ......
Lead Guitar Mr Tony La Monica un talent pur à découvrir absolument...
A la batterie, moi même Roland Vandy (batteur des be-bop's et de charlieroy and his black mountain boys) pour vous servir...
contact : rolln1@brutele.be
0032 477330745